your j.bone is showing
Solar Stella


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Wherein the artist introduces you, the gentle viewer, to Solar Stella, our intrepid heroine

Cutie of the Cosmos

Painted cover for the first issue. Watercolour and gouache, and maybe a little pencil crayon.

What's goin' on down there?

A "Drawing Class" pin-up using photo reference. Hand drawn, pen and ink, with computer colours.

I dreamed I visited far away worlds in my Terraform bra.

Hey, remember these ads? No? Neither do I. Don't even think I was born when this campaign was running. Watercolour and gouache, computer lettering.

Stella as a redhead? No way!

One of my first attempts at a pin-up painting. The costume is from page 2 of Stella's book. I tried her as a redhead but decided against it. The decision was purely astrological.

Flash Gordon, eat'cher heart out.

The cover to a future issue of Solar Stella. The story's written, some artwork is done...
Is this Roger Rodgers? I'm not telling :)